Access will be permitted tomorrow (Sunday), arrangements as per today, but there will be NO access to the garden after tomorrow. Key points to note:
- Follow the signs to the parking, which is close to Mullock on the road to Dale (do not follow signs to St. Brides) SM814084
- No access to car park before 7am so please do NOT arrive before this time
- Access to the garden will be from 7.30am
- Depending on numbers, queueing arrangements may need to be implemented (max 40 per time in the garden)
- Please give generously to the Skokholm Island Restoration Fund
Today's twitch went really well and all of us in Pembrokeshire would like to thank all visitors for following on-site instructions and their friendly manner and good humour. Particular thanks to Mike & Kathy Young-Powell, Mark Hipkin and Mervyn Jones for their volunteer efforts.