Wednesday 8 January 2014

Angle area

Pretty quiet at Kilpaison this morning with the tide well up - just one Bar-tailed Godwit, 7 Redshank, 2 Curlew and 40 or so Oystercatchers on the wader front. There were also 17 Brents, 1 Little Egret and, out in the bay, 23 Great Crested Grebes. Nothing exciting amongst the gulls with a collection of 50 or so Herring, Common and Black-headeds. Wigeon numbers very low with just 40.

Round at Angle a Great Northern Diver was just outside the harbour but moved off towards the Haven. On the shingle spit there were 65 Black-headed Gulls but no Meds - surprising as this is often a good spot for them. 19 Barwits, 15 Curlew, 1 Knot and 2 Brents were also on the spit together with 35 Oystercatchers. Elsewhere around the harbour there were 5 Redshank, 1 Greenshank and a Little Egret. 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers were frequently drumming in the woods.

I managed to get a walk in along the length of Castlemartin Corse before the rain set in. There is a lot of water (surprise, surprise) on the Corse but a real lack of birds compared to most winters. Highlight was a Short-eared Owl seen in the same area as before Christmas and 3 Jack Snipe to go with 36 Common Snipe. The wildfowl and waders were favouring the far east end of the Corse on flooded fields with 600 Teal, 250 Wigeon, 75 Mallard, 20 Shoveller, 120 Lapwing and 25 Curlew. A Chiffchaff was also at the east end of the Corse whilst near Starman Hall there was a flock of 150 Linnet's as well 7 Skylark and 2 Stonechats.

A flock of 120 or so Black-headed Gulls were feeding over the surf at Freshwater West with a couple of Kittiwakes amongst them.