Friday 10 January 2014

Another Kumlien's @ Newgale

Birding late afternoon at Newgale with Mashuq Ahmad, he found this cracking adult Kumlien's Gull at the north end of the beach feeding at the mouth of Brandy Brook.  Also present late afternoon 3 Glaucous Gull (near-adult & 2 juvs), 1 Iceland Gull (juv) and 20+ Mediterranean Gulls.  Graham Rees also had an adult Little Gull.  Good views of the Glaucous Gull, previously thought to be an adult, revealed some pale feathering in the coverts and some faint brown markings in the scapulars, so best aged as a near-adult.  Also an interesting hybrid Mediterranean x Black-headed Gull see bottom photo (all photos except Glaucous by Mashuq Ahmad).  Mike Y-P missed the Kumlien's, having to depart between Mashuq finding the bird and then the two of us refinding it (bird present to 4.10pm at least)