Saturday 11 January 2014

Castlemartin Corse again

A magical, golden late afternoon at Castlemartin Corse. No roosting hen harriers but a female merlin hunted over the reedbed and Kilpaison/Broomhill Burrows. Lots of snipe along the sides of the main river and lete where ditch maintenance took place in the autumn. At least 2000 lapwing at the inland end were put up by some unseen disturbance. 5 Cetti's sang, three in a large triangle at the Starman's Hall (west) end, and two more on opposite sides of the reedbed halfway up. Together with the one regularly heard in the reedbed near the clump of pines there are at least 6 males in residence. Otherwise lots of water rail heard, also teal and wigeon on the open water which is invisible from the north side, reed bunting...a feast for the senses.