Sunday 19 January 2014

Castlemartin Corse

A  real pleasure to do the Webs count at Castlemartin Corse this morning in the company of Morris North and John Best on a sparkling, sunny winters day.

The Corse is, needless to say, still very flooded and this has attracted a decent number of Wildfowl to the eastern end with 120 Teal, 265 Wigeon, 2 Pintail, 30 Shoveller, 34 Mallard and 4 Greylag Geese. As we were counting the ducks Lapwing started to drop in in large numbers with eventually an estimated 3000 plus on the margins of the flooded field which held most of the ducks. Amongst them was one solitary Golden Plover, a species which has been noticable in it's absence on the Corse this winter.

Walking the Corse showed that there are still very few small birds present and no raptors other than a single Buzzard were seen. 5 Chough were near Starmans Hall. Up at Gupton Farm there were some small birds to see with 70 Skylark, c.50 Chaffinch and 200 Linnet.