Thursday 30 January 2014

Kumlien's Bonanza at Llys-y-fran

Another fine time at our premier gull roost.  A decent flock on arrival around 3.45pm, with not much new until a mass arrival a little before 5pm.  3 juvenile Kumlien's Gulls were present, 2 the same as the last 2 Sunday's (and one of the same seen by Brian yesterday) but 1 was a new bird - so that's 4 now at Llys-y-fran in 11 days!  Also a smart juvenile Iceland Gull for comparison, the usual adult Ring-billed Gull, 3 Yellow-legged Gulls (2 adults & a 2CY) and an adult Mediterranean Gull.  Rough estimates of the commoner gulls: 2,500 Lesser Black-backed, 250 Herring, 600 Black-headed, 7 Common.  Surely due a Glaucous here before long.  (And thanks Clive, I see clearly what a brute your Nelson's Gull is!!)
(Dave A & Paul G)