Thursday, 16 January 2014

Newgale am

On the marsh at Newgale mid morning there was an adult Med Gull amongst the relatively few gulls present. Mike Y-P joined me and found the Green-winged Teal which appeared briefly at the back of the flooded area.

Over at the Brandy Brook end of the beach there were 30 or so Gulls and amongst them the adult Kumlien's Gull which performed magnificently for half an hour or so.

Mike Y-P then found a juv Glaucous Gull on the marsh but it didn't linger and flew off to join some gulls on a field at the back of the Marsh.

Middayish I found another or the same juv Glaucous on the beach. It was in company with juv Great Black-backeds and Herring Gulls and, with relatively few people on the beach, it allowed a fairly close approach.