Sunday 12 January 2014

Surf Scoter - Amroth

A change of scene late morning/early afternoon.  Parked just west of Amroth Castle (road closed between here and New Inn due to storm damage, currently being repaired) and was pleased to find lots of gulls feeding on the rocks and beach to the east towards Telpyn Point, and lots of scoter offshore - well into 4 figures on several flocks and all relatively close so quite 'scopable'.  After looking at the scoter straight out from Amroth, I decided to walk east and pick up the coast path towards Telpyn, after the tide came in to far for me to give the gulls just around the point a good grilling.  At SN180074 I had a good elevated position from which to scan 2 big scoter flocks, albeit a little breezy.  Pleased to pick up a fine drake Surf Scoter, which gave me an excellent chance to get an early entry into Worst Photo Posted to Pembrokeshire Birds 2014.  Both photos have been heavily cropped, darkened and sharpened and it still doesn't help that much!  But you can see what it is.