Thursday, 20 February 2014

Amroth this morning - gulls

We had to go to Amroth this morning so while there we had a look at the hundreds of gulls feeding along the shoreline as the tide dropped. They formed more or less two feeding flocks - at the Telpyn Point end of the beach and nearer the Wiseman's Bridge end - with birds moving from one end to the other.

Most were herring or black-headed but there were quite a few kittiwakes feeding along the shingle beach and resting on the shore (as noted by many observers at Newgale in recent weeks). We also noted at least 4 adult Med Gulls in various stages of head plumage and at least two 1st winter birds. One of the resting adults was colour-ringed on the left leg (with a metal ring above the tarsus joint on the right leg). The white colour-ring was obscured a lot of the time so we could not make out any lettering but we thought the number ended 104. Has anyone else confirmed this ones combination?