Tuesday 11 March 2014

Dartford Warblers Appeal etc

I would be very interested in hearing from any local birders willing to help survey suitable parts of the County in order to discover how many Dartford Warblers we have. There are some sites which need observers and there may well be new possibilities that locals are aware of. If you are interested and can spare a little time, please contact me (Mike Young-Powell) via the blog email address.
Regarding the Great Spotted Cuckoo sighting below, I have already updated the 'Rarities' section of the Blog - it's been a very good start to the year! I've suggested the bird is an adult based on the very grey wing in the photo, the reported pale grey crest and yellow wash around the throat area.
The first White Wagtail was on St Davids Head today, also the Brent Goose reported from Ramsey was in Whitesands Bay at midday.