It is with great sadness that I have to report that Dave Glanville passed away yesterday after a heart attack.
I knew Dave pretty well when we both lived in the Cardiff area over 20 years ago and we were part of the vibrant birding scene there. I went on a number of birding trips to Norfolk, and a memorable one to Scotland, with the Cardiff birders and with Dave along a good time was guaranteed - he was always great company as well as a sharp eyed birder!
In Pembrokeshire Dave turned up some good birds over the years including, in 2008, the long staying Red-necked Grebe at Carew Millpond, very much his local patch. He also joined in a number of foreign trips with Pembrokeshire birders - again being great company.
I am sure all in the Pembrokeshire birding community will join me in giving sincere condolences to Dave's family - a really nice man who will be greatly missed by all that knew him.