Monday, 28 July 2014

Teifi notes

Oystercatcher migration pushing on - over 250 resting opposite St. Dogmael's Quay just past high tide this morning. The Shelduck creches have merged - now c25 juveniles together.

( Update;-  A 17:00 count from Adrian in Fishgaurd - a high count of 70-80 Oystercatcher there)

Last night over the marsh the number over 1000 Swallows in the pre-roost gathering and Starlings have increased to 50+. A single juvenile Lapwing on the marsh last night, a few more with the Oystercatchers this morning.

Reed Warblers doing well, over 120 juveniles ringed before the migrants arrive. See CES 9, Reed Warblers headline again for more.