Thursday, 4 September 2014

Musselwick-Deer Park

Had a good look around north side of the Marloes peninsula and the Deer Park in the hope of a wryneck, but no luck. Looked promising with many gulls anting on the short turf over looking Jack Sound with Stonechats and Pipits snatching them as well. Best birds were 2 Whinchats. A canary-yellow juvenile Willow warbler in the sycamore by Goose Cottage (opp Trehill Farm) raised the pulse on the return. Marloes Mere: 100+ Linnet on telegraph wire, replaced by 150+ Starlings which in turn were spooked by female Sparrowhawk. The Garganey was still in front of Oriole Hide. Met Derek at the Gann earlier, a no-show from the osprey unfortunately. 8 Ringed Plover, couple of Dunlin, 2 Black-tailed godwit, Redshanks, Greenshank, a Whimbrel and a Knot. Couple of Egrets, a Heron and 4 Shelduck.