Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Castlemartin Corse

The water level is....up again. So lots of open water.

A female sparrowhawk was hunting at the Starman's Hall end, and further inland the dark female marsh harrier was hunting. I lost her for a while, but caught up with her again after she'd made a kill, in the reeds close to open water. I could see her flapping up and down, then she lifted her prey (looked like a moorhen or water rail) almost clear of the reeds before dropping back with it. She must have decided to eat it there, because she did not reappear while I waited. But while I waited, a superb ringtail hen harrier came past, flushing snipe as she went. she flew NE and I lost her heading inland.

Fewer duck, but still plenty of snipe, one heron, one little egret, one Cetti's singing, ravens, chough, a pair of lapwing behaving territorially....