Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Black Stork - Monday

My partner and son and I were camping at West Hook Farm this weekend.
This morning (25.5.15) at about 11.30 we heard a lot of full commotion and saw gulls chasing a black stork towards skomer along the coast. They then worried it so much that it flew north out over the sea and then turned back towards the east until we lost sight of it. Sadly I did not have a camera but watched it through the binoculars and could clearly see the white front, black uppers and red bill. My first thought was that it was a heron but it was bigger than that. 
I spoke with the man at the NT car park about it a bit later. He suggested I report it to you. It was an exciting sighting, if rather unexpected!
(Anneke de Winter)
Birdguides have a report of a Black Stork over Skomer early afternoon.(Monday)