Monday, 4 May 2015
Garden Warblers flaunt themselves at Pengelly
Quite extraordinary - two male Garden Warblers in the hedge across the road from Pengelly Forest were chasing each other, perching in full view, singing song snatches in full view, all very close. I have certainly never had GW views like that before. (No camera needless to say) There was a third one singing in scrub in the field with pigs in. We also managed to find 3 singing male Redstarts but no Pied Flycatchers. Also of note: I think we were never out of earshot of a singing Song Thrush the whole time we were there (3 hours); there were loads of bumblebees of at least 3 species foraging on the Bilberry flowers; we recorded 5 singing Goldcrests in a forest with no conifers, but notably each Goldcrest was near a biggish stand of holly.