A few hours out this morning with Toby Phelps. Martin's Haven was a blow out, but Marloes Mere was better with 2 groups of 10 Whimbrel the highlight. I wonder if the 2 Mute Swans there are looking to breed, and whether one of them is responsible for the recent run of Skokholm records? At the Gann highlights included the 2 Chough (immature birds? If not, where are they going to breed?), 4 Bar-tailed Godwits (3 in various stages of moult to breeding plumage), 18 Dunlin, 13 Ringed Plover, a Whimbrel, 5 Curlew, & 2 pairs of Shelduck. Finally a look around Canaston, Dipper, Kingfisher & Grey Wagtail along with the expected woodland species (but no Redstart or Wood Warbler - it was windy).