One recently fledged youngster of a brood of 4 with one of its parents near Linney
It was nice to find on the Range today what I think is the sibling sister of white over BTO right; lime green over dark green inscribed OT left - both ringed as nestlings in Ceredigion in 2014; she being white over BTO right leg; red over dark green inscribed OS left leg.
Both birds were feeding not far from each other near Bulliber Down where her sister was also recorded last weekend.
Whilst quite a lot of coastal birds seem to be breeding quite well along the Castlemartin peninsula this year, I haven't found much evidence that kestrels are having much success along this section of coast. A male was feeding near Linney Head this morning so perhaps a pair that is usually resident nearby will produce something in the end. Breeding wheatears also seem to be a bit thin on the ground along the Castlemartin coast this summer. Those that have bred have fledged young now in a few places.