Saturday, 27 June 2015

Castlemartin choughs - sibling sisters

A visit to Castlemartin Range this morning showed that some more choughs had fledged since last weekend but at least three broods have still to leave the security of their crevice nests. Even without these birds fledging overall breeding success has been good for those pairs that have bred. There are quite a few families with 4 young flying now.

One recently fledged youngster of a brood of 4 with one of its parents near Linney

It was nice to find on the Range today what I think is the sibling sister of white over BTO right; lime green over dark green inscribed OT left - both ringed as nestlings in Ceredigion in 2014; she being white over BTO right leg; red over dark green inscribed OS left leg. 

Both birds were feeding not far from each other near Bulliber Down where her sister was also recorded last weekend. 

Whilst quite a lot of coastal birds seem to be breeding quite well along the Castlemartin peninsula this year, I haven't found much evidence that kestrels are having  much success along this section of coast. A male was feeding near Linney Head this morning so perhaps a pair that is usually resident nearby will produce something in the end. Breeding wheatears also seem to be a bit thin on the ground along the Castlemartin coast this summer. Those that have bred have fledged young now in a few places.