Friday, 17 July 2015

Newport recently

On Tuesday 8 Herons at the bridge, including a family party of 2 ad & 2 juv. Also a Greenshank 2 Redshanks, 26 Oystercatchers on the estuary & a further 17 on the roost. Corresponding numbers for Curlews 3 & 25.
Yesterday a brief look at the gulls had a 2CY Med as well as the 2 Greenshanks noted by Richard D & 3 Common Sandpipers.
Today 3x2CY & 1 juv Med Gull as well as the 2 Greenshanks & a Redshank. Also Blackheaded Gull White 24A2 previously reported.
The brood of 3 Shelducks are almost as big as their parents.