Friday, 25 September 2015

Gann and Dale airfield

Gann: 4 Redshank, 3 Ringed plover, 2 Dunlin, a Turnstone and a Ruff. 10 Teal. 2 Little egret and 2 Little grebe. Dozen Rock pipits today and same of Chaffinch. 2 young foxes fast a sleep on opposite bank. Look around Dale village but nothing unusual. Track up to airfield looked great, warm, still and full of fly life, lots of tits (Coal tits, Great tits and Blue), a single Goldcrest and min 4 Chiffchaff (2 singing). 3rd visit to airfield this week. 100s of Meadow pipit, Flocks of Goldfinch (30), Chaffinch (20) and fewer Linnets. Lots of cranefly coming off. Swallows and a couple of Sandmartin passing eastward.