Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Ramsey - harrier

I'm sure Mike Y-P will post more later but thanks to him (via Rich on Skok!) for tipping us off about the probable pallid harrier that was seen heading towards Ramsey from St D's Head. We fanned out and after an hours searching Lisa had brief and distant views of a narrow winged ring tail harrier that showed extensive rufous / orange colouring. From what she saw she could narrow it down to Pallid / Monty's but that's all - it surely was the same bird Mike had seen but it was frustrating not to get more on it. We searched for rest of day but it was not to be seen - will have another look now as it is getting dusk

Highlights of a 2 hour seawatch from first light was 2 Balearics, 4 Arctic and 2 Pom skuas, 12 commic and 3 sandwich terns, 24 scoter and 3 Med gulls. Also 83 Manx and 4 fulmars

Some nice Greenland wheatears and white wags today