Monday, 21 December 2015

Ramsey Sound this afternoon - blustery but dry and bright!

We spent a few dry and sunny but quite blustery hours watching the Sound and the general coastal area. It was fairly quiet for birds in the Sound, but there were several feeding auks about (notably razorbills) plus small flocks of kittiwakes feeding in the area. We were not expecting to see any puffins at all, but three separate individuals flew south through the Sound between 13:30 and 15:30hrs.
A razorbill in one of the few sheltered embayments
Flocks of chough (up to 12 at times) spent most of the afternoon feeding in a stubble field, probing the open ground for soil invertebrates and occasionally picking up unharvested (spilled) grain. Where it occurs, spilled grain can be an important additional food-resource for choughs during the autumn and early winter months.

Picking up spilled grain from the soil surface