Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Llangloffan Bittern

From Mark Cherry - I was literally half a dozen paces from the car when another visitor closed their car door and drove away, putting the bird up. It had emerged from reeds, barely 30 yards downstream from the bridge, was south of me by the time autofucus had caught up. It settled in the reeds, west of the barbed wire fence and that was the last I saw of it.
At the SE corner of the fen, a Great Spotted Woodpecker overflew me, landed in a stand of trees, calling for a minute or so then appeared on a trunk, pecking for grubs. Not drumming, for a change. Back at the car, my first Swallow sighting of the year and another unidentified hirundine, distantly in the binoculars but no booming and I set off just after 6pm.