It is interesting that in the latter part of the 1990's our
friend the late Stewart Devonald, whose Pembrokeshire Bird List was at the time, the largest had not as yet seen a Red Kite in the county. Not quite a couple of
decades later, they are almost commonplace.
None the less, I was pretty excited
to see three of them floating and flapping about over the harbour. It was not
easy to get them in one shot, apologies for the quality but as record shots they
do the job.
They were around for at least half an hour causing me to run
out of a meeting and distracting me with the view through the Ocean Lab windows
with their aerobatics when I returned to the the meeting. Two seemed to be
together the third was keeping its distance and seemed to be slightly wary of
the others. All very intriguing, was this some sort of movement or a young pair
prospecting with an interloper. Maybe three youngsters banished from their
parents territory...
Well maybe by invasion standards, a pretty small
invasion but I bet it would have seemed quite a big one to Stewart!