Monday, 29 August 2016

Marsh harrier and Curlew sandpiper

A female Marsh harrier at Marloes mere this evening putting up 5 Snipe. Hopefully a photo from Derek to follow. And a Curlew Sandpiper last light at the Gann.
Also at Marloes Mere: 4 Teal and a Shoveler. Walk over to Deer Park was pretty quiet apart from a juvenile and adult Peregrine seeing off a pair of Buzzards. Kestrel hunting on coast path. 100s of Swallows over cereal fields. Gann: 25 Ringed plover, 10 Dunlin, 3 Sanderling, Turnstone, Greenshank and Common sandpiper. A Peregrine flew over just as Derek and I were leaving.