Monday, 29 August 2016

Some belated records

A cuckoo (juv. presumed) flew across the road into a small tree next to the B4319 just to the west of Merrion (Castlemartin peninsula) last Tuesday (23rd). It was observed by Mike Howe and Karen Wilkinson (Natural Resources Wales) who had been helping out with a marsh fritillary web count on the Range.

Peregrines have probably had a fairly good breeding season overall in Pembs this year. It was pleasing to receive details from Joyce Rae of a colour-ringed bird (Orange BZ) that she had managed to photograph a few weeks ago.

It had probably been seen earlier in the season at a particular site but it's ring inscription could not be determined then. So it was really nice to be able to confirm that one of the birds that bred in Pembs this year (rearing three young) had been ringed as a nestling (one of three) at a site in Gloucestershire back in 2011.
Colour-ringed peregrine - left leg Orange BZ - photographed by Joyce Rae 

Recent postings of ospreys in the area have reminded me that earlier this year a colour-ringed osprey was photographed in flight near Neyland (posted on the Blog), I'm still awaiting final details but gather it was probably ringed in Scotland a few years ago. This one wasn't a Welsh bird anyway.

It's certainly worth trying to photograph BOP etc (perched or in flight) to see if there are any others around with colour-rings like the peregrine above. Thanks Joyce for your summary observations and your photos.