Saturday, 22 October 2016

Out and about

Dale airfield: Single Chiffchaff and a few Goldcrest on track up. 3 groups of 20 Redwing passing over, only a single Fieldfare. Merlin hunting along the valley to West Dale, pushing lots of pipits around. Lots of Meadow pipits on the airfield, 8 Reedbunting and 50 Linnet. 7 Snipe. A Peregrine spooking corvid flock.  2 Mute swans flying low off Hoppers Point heading over Gateholm towards Skomer. Best sighting was a Polecat.
Llys y fran: last night. Big gull roost. 3000+ LBB,  30 BH gulls, 10 Herring gull and single adult Common gull. 6 Heron. 7 GC grebe, 3 Little grebe.