Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Teifi (Bittern) Marshes & Nevern Estuary

Having missed seeing the bittern at the Kingfisher Pond on our Christmas Day visit, we couldn't resist the temptation to revisit the area again to see if it would put in appearance for us. We weren't disappointed; the bittern put on an excellent display for quite some time (between c. 1100 and 1500 hrs). We couldn't resist posting a few more images, taken in slightly duller light than Chris's excellent ones taken earlier in the day.
Warming up? At one point, it took some time to stretch and vigorously shake its entire body.

There was quite a lot of ice on the pool which probably prevented the kingfisher from feeding there but the teal seemed to quickly learn some useful ice-skating techniques.

On our way back south, we called in briefly to the Nevern Estuary. At least 1,000 or more black-headed gulls, several hundred jackdaws plus c. 50 or so curlews were undertaking some late afternoon bathing before going to roost. We didn't have a telescope with us (a pity!) but there were at least two med gulls in the flock, possibly more.