Tuesday, 25 April 2017


Plenty of activity around the Amroth area today. This morning 5 Sandwich terns (9 last week) and 6 Gannets were feeding close offshore. A few Whitethroats were singing in the scrub along the cliffs along with plenty of Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers. A group of small waders flew north west distantly over Wiseman's Bridge. Unfortunately I couldn't get an ID on them..Maybe Sanderlings? A heavy shower this afternoon conveniently brought down 2 Common Sandpipers to the small stream at the east end of Amroth beach. A surprise was a group of 30 Brent Geese (most, if not all, pale bellies) by the stream opposite the Amroth Arms pub! A Little Egret on the rocks this evening was a bit unusual, also 16 Manxies offshore and 2 Whimbrel flew over heading west.