It had been hoped to do a follow-up survey of Dartford Warblers in Pembrokeshire before this but extreme winter weather and other difficulties have meant it hasn't happened. However there is an opportunity this spring to do something if there are enough willing volunteers. There are a small number of known sites which will be covered by regulars I hope. However it is possibly more important to find new areas since we do not really know the extent of occupied habitat (and there's a lot of gorse-rich maritime heath in Pembs). So ALL records of any Dartfords anywhere will be welcome and valuable. Please email them to me, at home or at the Blog. If you can give more information then please refer to the definitions below for guidance. A grid reference will also be very, very helpful for new or more extensive sites. Finally can I remind everyone that disturbance of breeding birds should be absolutely avoided.
Information on breeding sites is particularly helpful in a Pembs context because, with the help of important and constructive landowners and managers such as the National Trust and The National Park Authority, management plans can be drawn up with Dartford Warblers in mind.
If you are aware that you can cover a known breeding site, or maybe cannot now after doing so in the past, please drop me a line. Thanks in anticipation.
Possible breeder
H - Species observed in breeding season in suitable nesting Habitat
S - Singing male present (or breeding calls heard) in breeding season in
suitable breeding habitat
Probable breeding
P - Pair observed in suitable nesting habitat in breeding season
T - Permanent Territory presumed through registration of territorial behaviour
(song etc) on at least two different days a week or more apart at the same
place or many individuals on one day
N - Visiting probable Nest site
A - Agitated behaviour or anxiety calls from adults, suggesting probable
presence of nest or young nearby
B - Nest Building - birds observed carrying nest material. NB a Schedule
licence is needed to inspect nests.
Confirmed breeding
FL - Recently FLedged young. Evidence of dependency on adults (e.g. feeding) is
helpful. Be cautious, even if the record comes from suitable habitat.
FF - Adult carrying Faecal sac or Food for young