In Pembrokeshire two 50km x 50 km squares cover our entire area for the European Atlas. One (following an east-west line) is to the south of St David's; the other is to the north of St David's. A good proportion of species recorded across Pembs already have confirmed breeding status. However, some species in the two EBBA2 Pembrokeshire squares still lack "confirmed breeding status" during 2013-2017 period; several have no recorded breeding status at all (see the two tables below).
Records are needed from just two 50km x 50km squares in Pembs |
Goldcrest - no "confirmed" breeding evidence reported yet in either square |
Starling - one of several species with "no breeding evidence" recorded |
If you've already been birding in other European countries (including other parts of Britain & Ireland), or are planning to do so this summer, the breeding records you obtain might be useful for the Atlas.
For more information here is a link to the EBBA2 project.
Species lacking confirmed breeding
status in the second European Breeding Birds Atlas
South Pembs area (south of St David’s Head)
recently reported breeding status
Probable breeding - territoriality over 1 week
Probable breeding - adult with brood patch
Grasshopper Warbler
Probable breeding - territoriality over 1 week
Lesser Redpoll
Probable breeding - territoriality over 1 week
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Possible breeding - seen in
suitable nesting habitat
Lesser Whitethroat
Probable breeding - territoriality over 1 week
Little Egret
Probable breeding - territoriality over 1 week
Pied Flycatcher
No breeding status recorded
Red-legged Partridge
No breeding status recorded
Probable breeding - agitated
behaviour/anxiety calls
Probable breeding - courtship and display
Tree Pipit
Probable breeding - territoriality over 1 week
Willow Tit
Probable breeding - territoriality over 1 week
Wood Warbler
Probable breeding - territoriality over 1 week
North Pembs area (north of St David’s
recently reported breeding status
Black Guillemot
No breeding status recorded
Probable breeding - adult with
brood patch
Cetti's Warbler
Probable breeding - adult with brood patch
Collared Dove
Probable breeding - courtship
and display
No breeding status recorded
Probable breeding - territoriality over 1 week
Garden Warbler
Probable breeding - adult with brood patch
Probable breeding - adult with brood patch
Probable breeding - pair
present in suitable habitat
Grasshopper Warbler
Probable breeding - adult with brood patch
Great Crested Grebe
No breeding status recorded
Greylag Goose
No breeding status recorded
Probable breeding - adult with brood patch
No breeding status recorded
Lesser Redpoll
Probable breeding - courtship and display
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
No breeding status recorded
Lesser Whitethroat
Probable breeding - adult with brood patch
Little Grebe
No breeding status recorded
Little Owl
No breeding status recorded
Probable breeding - agitated
behaviour/anxiety calls
No breeding status recorded
Red-legged Partridge
No breeding status recorded
Reed Bunting
Probable breeding - adult with brood patch
Sand Martin
Probable breeding - nest
Probable breeding - courtship and display
Probable breeding - courtship and display
No breeding status recorded
Probable breeding - visiting
probable nest site
Tree Pipit
Probable breeding - territoriality over 1 week
Water Rail
No breeding status recorded
Wood Warbler
Possible breeding - singing/breeding
calls heard
Probable breeding - pair present in suitable habitat