Sunday, 11 June 2017

Teifi wildfowl

Whilst we await the first returning waders, the wildfowl are already returning. At least one pair of Mute Swan have bred, and we have a non-breeding flock comprising c20 birds. The Canada Geese flock is growing 275 today's count, with 2 Greylags for variety. Female Mallards with young can be seen in several places, but the moulting flock of mainly males c40 is around the Creek on the Reserve. A pair of Teal appeared today at Creek Hide. There is a loose flock of c40 Shelduck around the estuary, all the young are difficult to find at the moment.
A lone Curlew was the only wader, apart from a low number of Oystercatcher today.

A couple of sea-watches today have witnessed large numbers of Manx Shearwaters passing close in flying west, c3600 per hour - but very few Gannets and Fulmars passing.
(sev obs)