At least three pairs of Chough have fledged 3-4 young each in recent days, with family groups feeding very noisily from the Deer Park to Marloes Sands. I felt pretty worried for the fledglings on Friday: several just sat around, getting increasingly wet and miserable, and barely moving when approached. But the weekend's sun seems to have rescued almost all of them.
Which, alas, is more than can be said for one pair of Peregrines, who seem to have lost three half-grown fledglings in the awful weather a few weeks ago.
Further away, an extended run around the Islands on Saturday produced few surprises other than several pufflings popping in and out of their burrows on the Wick of Skomer: I cannot remember ever actually seeing a puffling in broad daylight before.
On the way back from Grassholm to Skomer, 2-3 Risso's Dolphins, one a very large, almost white, male.