Wednesday 23 August 2017

The Teifi - passing Skuas

A 70 minute seawatch early this morning across the bay produced 139 Common Scoter, 100's of Kittiwakes, 1 Bonxie and 3 Arctic Skuas. No juvenile Kittiwakes passing and out of 150 roosting on Cardigan Island only 1 juvenile. Two additional Bonxies flew close past the boat.
The small wader flock c80 was comprised of  Dunlin with a few Ringed Plover. 1 Bar-headed Goose
and 45 Barnacle Geese were present with the Canadas this morning.

An impressive Cetacean record today of 15/20 Common Dolphins off the mouth of the Teifi. They were found at 830am and seen  regularly as we passed through the area until 1100 as they headed further south west. Bottlenosed Dolphins have been present all day and we have larger than usual numbers of Porpoise around, c10/15 in one hour yesterday.