Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Brent Goose U3WR

Nice to see Brent Goose U3WR back again. Here is his/her history up to Nov 2016. It seems there were no sightings here in the winter of 2016/2017 and all previous sightings here have been in the spring. 
25th Oct 2014 Ringed as a juvenile at Strangford Lough
28th Nov 2014 at Havre de Regneville in Normandy
7th Feb 2015 Last sighting Havre de Regneville
7th March 2015 at The Gann (to 8th April)
12th March 2016 at Havre de Regneville
16th March 2016 at The Gann, flock of approx. 33  around till 19th April. (including 2 Dark-bellied and one with a gammy leg)
November 2017 The Gann