Friday, 24 November 2017


Did my WeBS count at Hook this morning, a little bit later than I should have (sorry Annie...).  It was a stunning morning, clear blue skies and glassy water.  Highlight was an Otter, feeding in the main channel upstream of Llangwm.

Avian highlight was a female Common Scoter, very unusual here - in fact, the only one I can ever recall seeing on the Cleddau, and definitely the first record here for me since I started counting in September 2009.

Lots of birds generally, if you haven't visited this part of the estuary before I can highly recommend it (wellies essential). For example, over 500 Lapwing, over 100 Redshank, over 500 Dunlin, over 400 Golden Plover, over 300 Teal, around 200 Canada Geese, over 100 Greylag Geese, Greenshank, Ringed Plover, Snipe etc etc.