Another fine, relatively still day around the Marloes peninsula. Lovely to see
2 Black Redstarts at one of their classic haunts, St. Bride's Church (with another later, a male, in Dale Village). At Martin's Haven a
Short-eared Owl flushed next to one of the paths was a nice surprise. There were
7 Greenland White-fronted Geese at Marloes Mere, and a female
Yellowhammer near the old Youth Hostel was a surprise, the first I have seen here for many years. On to Dale Airfield and a
Jack Snipe was flushed from a traditional spot. Finally at the Gann,
6 Ruff were a real surprise - as far as I can remember, the biggest flock I have ever seen in the County. Also here a single Brent Goose.
5 of the 6 Ruff at the Gann (1 of these is a Bar-tailed Godwit!) |