Two Ruff at The Gann this afternoon, adult male and juvenile on the muddy river bank just upstream from the bridge. A few Mediterranean Gulls were further up river. The lonesome Goldeneye is still on his own, but Little Grebe numbers are now over 10 and two Kingfishers were chasing each other around the pools with dangling red legs in the bright sunshine. Two Common Gullls were on the spit
Earlier at St Brides, a Black Redstart was trying to feed on the fly swarms over the seaweed, but was persistently chased away and onto the roof of the cottage by Robins, Pied Wagtails and Rock Pipits, but left alone by the 18 Turnstone and a Grey Wagtail. There was no sign of any warblers or Firecrests in the woods behind the Pump House today, noticably quieter than the last couple of weeks. The National Park Rangers have been clearing out the old top fish pond and the muddy pool has already attracted a Grey Wagtail - it looks like it might become a good feeding spot for migrants in future.