Thrushes at last! Although redwings and fieldfares have been seen in the Preseli area during the last week of October, numbers seemed low, and only the very occasional "zeee" was heard at night. Yesterday, thrushes arrived en masse at Ty Rhyg during calm and drizzly conditions at dawn. An estimated minimum of 1500 redwings dropped in during the first two hours of light, with many more continuing overhead, hidden in the mist. There were fewer fieldfares but at least 250 moved overhead. As is almost always the case with large thrush movements over the Preselis, all birds were heading east, which is the opposite direction to that expected, so presumably involve birds adjusting after heading further west than than intended during the night?
Another point of interest with Preseli thrush movements, is that they often occur in isolation, with no equivalent numbers seen at the headlands and islands. This appears to be the case yesterday, too.
Other birds of note were a brambling, a goshawk, a woodcock, 12 crossbills, and a five year old willow tit (re-trapped in the nets). Blackbirds were notable by their virtual absence, which is unusual for early November.