Saturday, 23 December 2017

Marloes mere and The Gann

Lots of birds around on walk from Marloes Mere out to the Deer Park and back but nothing too exciting. Snipe again most noticeable 162 counted on my travels with majority around the mere with a flock of 100 flushed by something. Chaffinch in the 100's as well, and plenty of duck on mere inc the 4 Scaup. Scattered flocks of Lapwing with biggest group of 300. 6 Golden plover. Peregrine and Sparrowhawks hunting through the starling flocks.

Nice to see visiting Worcestershire birder Dave Jackson at The Gann. We managed an adult Yellow-legged gull, c 17 Turnstone, 14 Ringed plover, couple of Barwits, 2 Knot, 2 Greenshank and single Dunlin. Kingfisher by Crabhall. A Chiffchaff was still in the scrub by car park and sounded like the Firecrest calling but wouldn't come into view.