Monday, 1 January 2018

Angle village to West Angle Bay

We walked along the coast path above the Haven from Angle to West Angle Bay via Chapel Bay late this morning. Large numbers of waterfowl and gulls were feeding in Angle Bay at low tide. The Whooper swan was still present with the mute swan herd; 1,000+ wigeon and at least 1,000 dunlin were easily the most numerous species in the bay. We could only see 10 pale-bellied brents but, being on the village side of the bay, we would have missed others on the far side.

A couple of great crested grebes were feeding offshore. The highlight was a great northern diver feeding on shellfish and crabs out in the Haven between the LNG jetty and Chapel Bay. Perhaps it was one of the birds noted downstream at the Gann recently? It was always a bit too distant to enable anything other than a couple record photos.

Redwings and chaffinches feeding in open grassland and stubbles were fairly numerous. A redshank feeding in one of winter-sown cereal fields seemed a little out of place among the rooks and crows feeding there.