Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Glaucous/Iceland Gull at Coppet Hall

I went for a walk along the coast path between Wiseman's Bridge and Coppet Hall this evening not intentionally birding but noticed a large gull roost off Coppet Hall and Saundersfoot. Mostly small gulls but there seemed to be more large gulls than normal. Only had binoculars with me but had quick look through and soon noted a juvenile white-winged gull flying in to settle on the sea. I immediately lost it in the chop and annoyingly, couldn't find it again. It looked quite large so would lean more towards Glaucous but needed my scope to confirm.

Big numbers of gulls at Wiseman's Bridge this moring (around 600), nothing unusual stood out but could've easily missed something. Worth keeping an eye on over the next few days.