Sunday 29 April 2018

Fishguard Harbour Tysties

The harbour was pretty calm and sunny this morning so I thought I would try and ascertain the Tystie/Black Guillemot situation.

Two were showing nicely a hundred meters away and then were briefly joined by a third. The third bird then took of and landed just below where I was standing, From memory its at least ten years since they first bred here and we have had three different birds in past years.
We dont know where the original pair came from but at that time there were about thirty pairs breeding in Rosslare Harbour. On my last visit in three weeks ago, I could find none in Rosslare. There was a drastic reduction in numbers to a handful of pairs back in 2014 after some big storms but its anybody's guess as to how a very strong population seems to have collapsed.

Seemingly our one pair remains a single pair with no significant recruitment. Incidentally they are the most southerly breeding birds in the UK.the nearest being in Holyhead. Only other bird of note around the harbour was a common sandpiper heard and seen in flight. Pictured the "Pair and the singleton BG's,