Jannik writes: It is indeed a bird from here. It has a long bill, but the plumage was very male like; probably best to call it "unknown" as it's not been confirmed.
The bird was ringed 29 June 2016, released 16:56. Resighted last year, same territory on 15 June and 10 July 2017; but no nest was found. Fingers crossed we will recapture the little fellow this year. At least I'm here at our field site, waiting for the dunlins to start breeding.
The bird was ringed 29 June 2016, released 16:56. Resighted last year, same territory on 15 June and 10 July 2017; but no nest was found. Fingers crossed we will recapture the little fellow this year. At least I'm here at our field site, waiting for the dunlins to start breeding.