Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Gannets and other seabirds - marine environment rubbish

Noting Richard's sad image of the gannet with a plastic bag, reminds us once again of the issues our seabirds (and other wildlife) face in an increasingly polluted environment.

We couldn't help but notice a few weeks ago this unfortunate gannet who had collected this colourful mono-filament fishing netting for nest material - one of many that sadly find plenty of stuff like this in the sea off the Pembs coast.

This particular bird had to fight off another gannet, so eager was it to rob this one of its prized possession. To helpless onlookers like us a possible outcome was that one or the other bird (perhaps both) might have ended up getting so entangled that perhaps neither would see through the breeding season. Even if it did get used in the nest, the chances were then possibly even higher that a youngster would become entangled and not fledge!

Whilst out counting seabird colonies along the Limestone coast over the last several days, at least 5 auks (3 guillemots, 2 razorbills) and a fulmar (those observed so far!) have been noted hanging (dead of course) from their breeding ledges/crevices high up the cliff-face.

In each particular case their feet having become entangled by fishing line (presumably loose/discarded stuff floating about in the water and picked up whilst swimming or feeding). A sickening sight that we see every year!