Sunday, 23 September 2018

Buff-breasted Sandpipers

Arrived at Dale Airfield at 1030am, and as we walked from the gate to the main runway Lisa picked up 3 waders in flight that dropped into the long grassy field next to us.  So we walked slowly across the field and bang, 3 Buff-breasted Sandpipers looking very alert in the grass of ahead of us.  I could see the original finder, Ian Smith, over at the western crossroads, so I called him & it turned out he had seen them briefly a little earlier.  With patience they approached us fairly closely in the end, and remained in that field until late afternoon at least.  My 7th, 8th & 9th BBSs in Pembrokeshire, got to be one of the best waders there is!  Well done Ian on a great find.

12 Wheatears on the airfield, along with 11 Ringed Plover.  Another 6 Wheatears at St Ann's Head.

(With Lisa Morgan).