Saturday 22 September 2018

Deer Park Goshawk

Highlight of a nice walk around the Deer Park this morning in the drizzle was a Goshawk that made a failed attempt at a couple of perched Linnets, and then sat on a rock beneath the Caostguard lookout. It was rather bedraggled, but the stand-out features (apart from size, clearly!) were the large, white, fluffy under tail coverts  and very heavily barred breast. It is not a full adult, and has a brown back.

Other birds included at least 19 Chough, spread out on the south coast in smaller groups, and good numbers of Stonechats, again on the south side. We counted over a dozen in the 250 yards from the Coast Path gate. And a pair of very vocal Grey Wagtails hawking around the top of the steps.