I was distracted at breakfast by alarm calls from Jackdaws feeding in the field by the car park, and looked out to see what looked like a thrush-sized falcon flying vertically up to try to attack a Jackdaw. The Jackdaws all rose into the air, and as I tried to follow the Merlin, a second, much larger individual flew towards the house, chased by half a dozen Carrion Crows. This female dodged around the house, bunting over the end section and giving a stunning view of her chocolate plumage and eye, the crows in pursuit.
Later, with the valley calm again, a Water Rail, Chiffchaff, female Sparrowhawk, and two Greenland-type Wheatears, positively glowing orange in the sun. Lots of finches around, mainly Linnets and Goldfinches, as well as a regular trickle of Blue and Great Tits.