Thursday, 25 October 2018

More Marloes Pensinsula

At the Gann on the falling tide, the four Whooper Swans were driftng on the river from about 10 until 11am before flying off towards the airfield. A late Wheatear was by the footbridge and 13 Turnstones dropped onto the spit. A single Common Gull was the first I have seen there for a while.

At the Mere in the afternoon a single Pintail was at the eastern end and a female Merlin flew off from the hedge in the lane near the Oriole hide with a mouse or vole. No sign of the Marsh Harriers, but a juvenile(?) Hen Harrier flew from the lane into the willows in front of the Britton hide avoiding a group of walkers.

A visit to Monk Haven at lunchitme did not produce a Firecrest or Yellow-browed Warbler, just some Goldcrests and a couple of Grey Wagails plus the usual thrushes and tits in the chuyrchyard and lane.