At the Gann on the falling tide, the four Whooper Swans were driftng on the river from about 10 until 11am before flying off towards the airfield. A late Wheatear was by the footbridge and 13 Turnstones dropped onto the spit. A single Common Gull was the first I have seen there for a while.
At the Mere in the afternoon a single Pintail was at the eastern end and a female Merlin flew off from the hedge in the lane near the Oriole hide with a mouse or vole. No sign of the Marsh Harriers, but a juvenile(?) Hen Harrier flew from the lane into the willows in front of the Britton hide avoiding a group of walkers.
A visit to Monk Haven at lunchitme did not produce a Firecrest or Yellow-browed Warbler, just some Goldcrests and a couple of Grey Wagails plus the usual thrushes and tits in the chuyrchyard and lane.