Thursday, 4 October 2018

Newgale area this eveing

On our way back from a tawny owl survey it was sad to see two Manx Shearwater road casualties on the road behind Newgale beach. We didn't notice them when we drove through the area just after dusk but they were there on our return journey just before 21:00 hrs. There was no strong/gusty wind this evening but it was occasionally murky with some low cloud at times, and more so the previous night. We assume these two were simply attracted to and dazzled by passing vehicle head-lights.

Tawny owls didn't play ball this evening but a splendid barn owl quartered a large area of rough pasture near Roach just after sunset. A small passage of snipe was obviously occurring at one location with frequent calls of birds flying over in a westerly direction during 20 minutes of listening (for owls).